How to make Google return the pages you want using the magic keyword of your choice?

How to make Google return the pages you want using the magic keyword of your choice?

You must have had a look at the above images (Esp. “Before” image). The magic keyword “endukudukkamu” did not return any matching documents because there were no documents on the Internet which contained that word.

Then what made Google return the webpage shown in the “After” image?

Here is the quick explanation…

Google is a Search Engine, which crawls and indexes the pages present all over the Internet.

Please note: It will crawl and index only websites which have been submitted to Google’s Webmasters tool.

It returns the webpage based on the keywords entered in its Search Box. It searches all the pages from the Internet which have been indexed in its database and returns the pages containing the keyword entered.

In the above images’ example, I intentionally used the keyword “endukudukkamu” because Google did not return any pages which clearly meant that the keyword had never been used in any of the pages indexed by Google.

Below image shows that I used the keyword “endukudukkamu” (highlighted) as a Label in one of my posts,

The “Before” image was taken as soon as I had used “endukudukkamu” as a Label in the post. (At that time, Google did not return any web page)

Google took one day in this case, to index this web page (Google crawls and indexes the pages with some interval).

The After image was taken on next day when Google did its crawling and indexing of the page which contained the keyword.

This is how we can make Google search the pages at our will!!! ;)

I am going to use the keyword “endukudukkamu” in this post again ;) so that next time when you enter this keyword in Google, it will return this web page too.

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