Faster ways to earn MONEY - 2 minutes' article.

Faster ways to earn MONEY - 2 minutes' article.


I always try to keep my posts as short as possible to provide you more information in less time.

This article provides the information on how to make money faster. There are many ways to make more money out of the money you already have. Out of those, only 3 ways have been explained in this article. 

Here are the ways arranged in ascending order of speed at which money can be earned.

1.)   Deposit your money in Bank account.

       a.)   If you deposit your money in Savings account, you will be getting  around 4% to 5% interest.

       b.)   If you deposit your money in Fixed Deposit (FD) or Recurring Deposit (RD) account, you will be getting maximum of 9% to 10% interest per year.

This is the slowest of other 3 ways given below, because interest rate earned is less.

"One good thing about this way is MINIMUM RISK."

2.)   Investments.

       a.) Invest in GOLD:

    Buy gold when its price is less and sell it when its prices rise. I would recommend NOT to sell gold just for booking profit. It can be liquidated or mortgaged quickly in case of emergencies. It's a good investment for middle-class people. If you want to sell it for booking profit, keep an eye on market rate of gold
everyday and sell it when its price reaches higher than your buying price.

       b.) Invest in real-estate - land/flat/buildings:

If you think about land sensibly, it's a natural resource which does not decrease in size, neither it increases. However, the population on Earth will always be  increasing hence there will be need for more land. 

"Demand of land is directly proportional to population."

Here comes the FASTEST way to make money.

3.)  Share Market -

  I would categorize this way into two types.

  Equity/Cash and Future-Options

  a.) Equity :

    Buy a company's shares when its price is less and sell it when its price reaches higher than its buying price. Now you will ask what is the difference between investing in land/gold and shares if the strategy is same in both the cases when it comes to booking profit.

"FLUCTUATION in price" is the main thing that makes Shares the number ONE way to earn money faster.

E.g. Buy 100 shares of XYZ bank at price $1 each. Now you have become the share holder of that bank by owning the shares worth $100.
If, on next day the bank announces a huge quarterly profit, there will be increase in share price as there will be demand for the bank's shares.

Say, now the bank's current share price is $1.5, you can book profit of $50 within a day.

Your investment = Price * No. of shares
                             =  $ 1     * 100
Your investment = $ 100

Increase in share price by $0.5

Return of investment = (Buying price + increased share price) * No. of shares held.
                     = ($ 1 + $ 0.5) * 100
Returns on selling      = $ 150                     

Profit = $ 50.

b.)  You can be RICH over night by TRADING in Derivatives (Futures/Options) .

WARNING : This is the riskiest way to earn money faster. You may end up losing all the invested money in Futures/Options.

But, if you take calculated risks by following news about companies you are investing in, you can make good money in a minute or two.

I would recommend to read following books to know more about share/stock market.

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